The Future of IIoT in Condition Monitoring

A series of interviews with industry leaders about where we’ve been, and where we’re going... It’s not news that technology is transforming the practice of Condition Monitoring. The introduction of new technologies such as MEMS ...more

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About the Show

A series of interviews with industry leaders about where we’ve been, and where we’re going...

It’s not news that technology is transforming the practice of Condition Monitoring. The introduction of new technologies such as MEMS semiconductor sensors, advanced data analysis, IIoT and cloud infrastructure enables new capabilities as well as complexity to the asset reliability landscape. The proliferation of new names with accompanying messages can leave the potential adopter confused and uncertain as to how to evaluate and adopt the new capabilities.
This series of interviews with well known industry participants will attempt to clear away some of the ‘fear, uncertainty and doubt’ surrounding deployment of IoT technologies for Condition Monitoring. The participants, representatives of market leading IoT solutions for Condition Monitoring, will be asked to extrapolate their experience into the near future by reviewing promising technology trends. The hope is that this discussion will reduce some prevailing headwinds discouraging the testing and adoption of IIoT technologies that is believed will enhance the productivity of the maintenance professional.

Meet our Hosts

Ed Spence

Ed Spence

Ed Spence is the Founder and Managing Director of The Machine Instrumentation Group, a collaborative network of contract engineering service providers helping clients define and develop new sensors for machine health applications. Previously, Ed was the Marketing Manager for Analog Devices MEMS Sensor Technology Group, where he defined the MEMS accelerometer roadmap for vibration based Condition Monitoring, winning an Innovation Award at Sensors Expo 2017 for the flagship ADXL1002 MEMS accelerometer. Ed has been engaged in the development of Condition Monitoring sensor solutions since 2008, and has worked in the semiconductor industry since 1989. Ed has published or presented on the subject of sensors and CBM on numerous occasions. Ed serves on the board of The Society for Machinery Failure Prevention Technology, and is a member of the Vibration Institute, The Society of Maintenance and Reliability Professionals and The Society for Prognostics, Health and Maintenance. Ed also provides volunteer business consulting with non-profit IBEC Ventures. Ed holds a BSEE degree from the University of Lowell.